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Also, I'm a pundit for the American Daily Herald if you'd like to follow my column: American Daily Herald--Vicki H. Moss

Posted November 27, 2012


Christmas is upon us. And as usual, if you're like me and experiencing a head cold, you're feeling overwhelmed from the upcoming parties you hadn't counted on at the last minute, the stress, the trying to be creative when gift buying, etc. I keep saying to myself, "No more. No more." I already know of at least two gifts that will have to be taken back and they haven't even been wrapped yet. Guess that's good though. At least I haven't wasted paper and ribbon.

And if you're like me you're thinking, I can't handle one...more...thing...on...my...plate. I just want to kick back with a hot cup of mocha and rest.

And then when checking my email, I just received word today from the leader of my Bible class that a dear woman's husband had gone Home. I quickly glanced through the email and busy as ever, I thought, Well that's nice he got to go home during Thanksgiving--I hope he has a nice visit. Maybe he'll be able to go back for Christmas too.

Then I noticed that Home was with a capped "H." And for some odd reason, it hit me like a sledge hammer. He had gone on the ultimate journey. He was now in the presence of his Maker and whether or not his turkey was brined or deep fat fried was now a moot point. Nor did it matter that he'd jetted out of here during the holidays. It's normally not left up to us the hour of our departure. There's never a good time for dying. I sighed and thought, I feel so sorry for his poor wife and family because here Christmas is upon us.

But at least he's out of all of this mess and doesn't have to worry about the five o'clock news and who's sliding over the fiscal cliff or who's trying to take over Egypt. He'll be celebrating Christ's birthday with Christ though I doubt they're celebrating His birthday on December 25th in heaven. But I know he's singing Gloria with the angels and all those who have gone on before him.

However, try as I might, I couldn't quite place the woman who'd just lost her husband. With quite a few people in my Bible class, I knew faces but couldn't always put a name to a face. When I heard from another friend, Sarah, by email, she wrote, "She's the lady with the beautiful white hair who sits on the second row of our class. She's 82 and teaches three Bible classes of her own."

What! She teaches three Bible classes? And I am still not caught up from getting behind in August. This 82-year-old was putting me to shame and also on the biggest self-induced guilt trip ever. Compared to this woman, I seemed like a dust covered sloth.

Feeling like I'd been slapped with a wet lasagna noodle, I said a quick prayer for the family of the deceased and tried to be more efficient in checking through the rest of my emails so I could accomplish more. If an 82-year-old was teaching three Bible classes, I should be accomplishing scads more. However, dust bunnies were winking at me from every corner. Leaves needed raking. There was no food in the pantry.

Maybe I should just delete all of the forwards waiting for me and try to at least get the house dusted after dishes. But what if I deleted something of value? A message just for me? Perhaps I should make a quick run through the forwards and then delete and purge.

I'm so glad I checked because there was a sage forward--like some messages in Chinese fortune cookies--meant just for me. Below is the jewel:

"The Sermon I think this Mom will never forget....

"This particular Sunday sermon... 'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. ' Without you, we are but dust....' He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four-year-old girl voice, 'Mommie, what is butt dust?'"

After my laughter subsided, I realized that even though I might think my plate is loaded and I can handle no more and say -- "God, send Aaron. I can't do another thing. I'm exhausted--no more, no more." -- I have to remember Jesus said, "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." In reality, and even though I've been under the weather, I've gathered quite a bit of butt dust.

I thought of my fellow Bible student and the incredible sacrifice of her time. I'd learned something new about her. No butt dust there. She'd taken seriously the verses in the Bible. Jesus said, "Look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest" (John 4:35) and “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” (Matthew 9:38).

And I then determined to try and make every minute left on this earth count. We never know when the Lord will call us Home. I don't want to arrive in heaven with any butt dust residue. And I know it may seem like a silly thing, however, along with no tears, I'm hoping heaven is dust free in my mansion.

Until I get there, I'm still going to be kind to myself when I'm not physically feeling well. I'm going to take it easy until I mend. However, when I'm back on my feet and rested, I'm going to try doubly hard to make every minute count. I vow to write more words that will count. And by the grace of God more stories that will matter. And I can only hope that I'll be teaching three Bible classes like my Bible class friend when I'm 82. There's not one speck of butt dust on her.

Comments anyone?

If you would like to comment or have questions about this article, email me vmoss@livingwaterfiction.com

Thanks for sharing this Vicki! ~Jimmy Moss

Your positively welcome Jimmy! Good to hear from you and hope you have a special Christmas!

I LOVE this, Vicki! Oh, I'm so with you on this one. I've used many ways to describe my drive to use the time I have left on this earth, but I must admit, I've never heard of "butt dust!"

Perfect description! Thanks!

Christmas blessings as you celebrate the Gift and the Giver!



Vonda Skelton

Speaker, Author, Funny Lady www.ChristianCommunicators.com

Check out Vonda's hilarious YouTube video Solomon's Beloved. Bet you'll laugh!

Seeing Through the Lies: Unmasking the Myths Women Believe

The Bitsy Burroughs Mysteries

Thanks Vonda and I hope you and yours have the most wonderful Christmas holidays.

Vicki - I cracked up at your blog and yet it had meat and heft to it as well as the fun lightness of Butt Dust. What a great image. As a person with an oversized butt, I too pray that I won't accumulate much of that Butt Dust on my earthly journey! ~ Sue Badeau, Motivational Speaker http://suebadeau.webs.com/apps/blog/show/20597181-the-year-the-tree-fell-over-joy-and-brokenness-part-ii-

Glad you enjoyed it Sue! I'm enjoying reading all of your Christmas posts as well although sad over all of those broken ornaments when the tree fell. Oh my!


I loved your blog!! I visited Beth at the funeral home last night. That’s when I learned that she is leading Ezekiel Pt. 1, Revelation Part 2 and Sermon on the Mount PUP studies all at the same time. (I think I got the “Parts” right.) I couldn’t believe it! She has been doing this along with a sick husband, who has been very sick for quite a long time. As you stated so perfectly…no butt dust there! LOL!!

I’m sorry that you have been under the weather. I hope you’re feeling better soon! May you have a very Merry Christmas, and if you can, call me and stop by for lunch one day. I always enjoy sharing with you. You’re such a wonderful blessing! Hugs!! ~ Cindy Gann, Registrar, Precept Ministries International

Hi Cindy, so glad you loved the article. And I'm feeling so much better. It was just for a few days that my nose seemed to have taken on a new life of its own and was keeping me up nights as well. And you know what they say about cutting your nose off to spite your face. Certainly can't do that. By the end of the week I'll be good as new. Let's do try to have lunch soon!

"Vicki.....you...just...blow...my...mind! You wrote this right after I emailed you! You truly do have a God given talent for putting into words so much that is felt and yet unspoken. I am honored to be your friend. God is so good. Take care of yourself and rest. You mean more than you know to soooo many people!! Love you my friend!" ~ Sarah Wing

Thanks so much Sarah. You always tell me something that inspires :D You share small tidbits and out pours a story. And I, too, am so thankful God gave me such a dear friend. You have a way of making me laugh from way down deep within!

"I had to retweet this one -- thanks for the tender thoughts and the laugh!" ~Joy DeKok, Author, national speaker, and author coach. Joy's latest book is entitled, Poetry - Touch the World With Your Art & Soul. Pine Island, MN · http://www.booksbyjoy.com

I love making people laugh and you're so welcome Joy. Thanks for stopping by!

"Vicki, I can't imagine you collecting any butt dust! But it is wise to take care of yourself and give yourself a break. Just do the best you can. Even God can't ask for more than your best!"

Carol Weeks

Speaking Hope Ministry



(256) 506-7405

416 Peach Avenue

Albertville, AL 35950

Thanks Carol - but compared to the woman who teaches three Bible classes a week and she's 82 -- wow -- it makes me feel really slow! Hope you and yours have a great holiday. Enjoyed having lunch with you. We'll have to get our thinking heads together again soon!

"roflol...love the title!" ~Carol Anne Wright Swett

I roflol when I read the forward -- amazing what can trigger a writing idea -- especially when an 82 year old woman is so amazing.

"I laughed and laughed just like I needed to. Great blog to bring us out of our after turkey daze." ~ Irmgard Haerr Williams

Aahhhh Irmgard, glad I gave you a laugh! I know you've been worn out taking care of your Uncle Carl. Sounds like you had a wonderful turkey day too. We have so much to be thankful for. Good to hear from you.

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